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शमसेर पुलामी   डिमजनता मा वि लालबन्दी १६ परवानीपुर सर्लाही  

A short research on

"How a child learn by playing outside the class room?"»

बच्चालाई कोठामा हैन कोठा बाहिर पनि पढाउन सकिदो रहेछ नी नपत्याए हेर्नुस

"सबै भन्दा बढि, बाहिरी खेलले बच्चाहरूलाई खुसी बनाउँछ, र खुशी बच्चाहरु फस्टाउछन् "(Prisk & Cusworth, 2018, p.12)

Teaching and learning through play can occur both inside and outside the four walls of the classroom environment. Traditionally, children engage in play outside for set times such as morning tea and lunch breaks as well as timetabled physical education lessons. When teachers implement play pedagogies, it is important to include opportunities for children to engage in play that moves outside the classroom walls and for extended periods of time, over and above the traditional ‘break’ times. These differ from outdoor education, or ‘outward bound’ type activities that often occur off-site. While these are valuable experiences, the focus of this resource is to build teachers’ understanding of why outdoor play is valuable and how to incorporate it deliberately into the school program.

The Benefits of Outdoor Play and Learning

The benefits for children, when engaged in outdoor play and learning, are wide-ranging. These include:

Increase physical activity:

children engaged in outdoor play are more active over a sustained period of time compared to those engaged in indoor play (Active Healthy Kids Australia, 2016; Baines & Blatchrod, 2011; Beresin, 2016; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). Research undertaken in the UK identified that children are more than two-and-a-half times more active when outdoors compared to indoors (Cooper et al., 2010)

Healthier children:

outdoor play contributes to increased development and refinement of motor skills, including balance, coordination, and motor fitness. In turn, children are able to concentrate for longer periods of time, have improved eyesight, and as a result, can learn more (Langford et al., 2014; Brussoni et al., 2015; Robinson & Aronica, 2018).

IncreasedBetter learning outcomes:

Research has identified improvements across all academic disciplines when children are engaged in outdoor learning and play. Children develop an enthusiasm for learning and an aptitude for problem-solving because of their outdoor play (Strauss & Hanscom, 2014). Outdoor play provides hands-on, real-world learning experiences, that enable children to apply new knowledge and information to, in a meaningful context. When this occurs, children are more likely to be engaged and motivated to solve difficult problems or challenges and understand the relevance of this information to their own learning.

Improved mental health:

Research has identified the connection between time spent in nature and an improved sense of wellbeing. Learning and playing in nature increases children’s resilience, helps children feel calmer and increases a sense of joy, a key element for healthy mental well-being.

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लरेन्स स्टेनहाउसका अनुसार शिक्षक आफैंमा एक अनुसन्धानकर्ता हो । अनि वास्तविक कक्षाकोठाहरु नै प्रयोगशाला हुन् र ती शिक्षकबाटै निर्देशित हुन्छन्, न कि नुसन्धानकर्ताहरुबाट । शिक्षक मात्र त्यस्ता व्यक्ति हुन्,जसले विद्यालयलाई बुझेर परिवर्तन गर्न सक्छन् । एक्सन रिसर्च शिक्षकको पेसागत कामसँग प्रत्यक्ष जोडिएको छ । एक्सन रिसर्चलाई निचोडमा बुझ्ने हो भने एउटा शिक्षकले आफ्नो स्कुलमा प्रतिदिन सामना गर्नु परेका समस्याहरु जुन स्वयम् शिक्षकले अनुसन्धानमार्फत् समाधान गर्न सक्ने खालकालाई हल गर्ने विधि हो । निम्न उद्देश्यहरुबाट एक्सन रिसर्चलाई बुझ्न थप मद्दत गर्ने विश्वास गर्न सकिन्छ । Read more

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