श्री डिमजनता माद्यमिक विद्यालय परवानीपुर सर्लाही
श्री डिम जनता माद्यमिक विद्यालयमा हामीलाई पढाउनु हुने शिक्षक शमसेर पुलामीसरले Develop गर्नु भएको उहाँको व्यक्तिगत वेभसाइट shamser.info.np यी वेभसाइटहरु साह्रै ज्ञानबर्धक तथा शिक्षामूलक छ ।
उहाँको प्रविधिमैत्री पढाउने तरीकाले म ज्यादै प्रभावित र उत्साहित भएको छु । उहाँको पढाउने तरिका साँच्चै रोचक छ। उहाँ मेरा लागि साँच्चिकै प्रेरणादायक हुनुहुन्छ।
-Shree Dimjanta Sec.School Parwanipur,Sarlahi, Nepal
Dim janta Sec.School. Here is many facilities for teaching for students Computer lab, well equipped Science lab, play ground, Buildings, peaceful environment, qualified teachers, library etc. So i gain good knowledge with love from teachers and students I feel proud, The students of this school.
I have always felt that I was so lucky to be a student at Shree Dim janta Sec.School, and not at any other private or public school The thing I admire the most about dimjanata School is the support I received from everyone at the school. I wouldn't have been able to achieve what I have achieved without that caring environment.
-Shree Dimjanta Sec.School Parwanipur,Sarlahi, Nepal
School is my Second House, Really i feel Teachers of this school like Father, Mother, friends, Brother's & sisters. So i feel like own House in Shree Dim janta Sec.School. Here is many facilities for teaching for students Computer lab, well equipped Science lab, play ground, Buildings, peaceful environment, qualified teachers, library etc. So i gain good knowledge with love from teachers and students I feel proud, The students of Shree Dim janata Secondary school, Sarlahi.
सनीमाया थोकर (कक्षा ११ Batch 11th)
Shree Dim janta Sec.School
श्री डिम जनता माद्यमिक विद्यालयमा हामीलाई पढाउनु हुने शिक्षक शमसेर पुलामीसरले Develop गर्नु भएको वेभसाइट shamser.info.np
र blogspot र Official Youtube channel @lauro_media । साह्रै ज्ञानबर्धक तथा शिक्षामूलक छ ।
साथै twitter handle @shamser_info मा twitter Follow गरेर post पढ्न सकिँदो रहेछ उहाँको प्रविधिमैत्री पढाउने तरीकाले म ज्यादै प्रभावित र उत्साहित भएको छु । उहाँको पढाउने तरिका साँच्चै रोचक छ। उहाँ मेरा लागि साँच्चिकै प्रेरणादायक हुनुहुन्छ।
Gagan Budhathoki(class-9, 079 batch )
Shree Dim janta Sec.School
Shamser Pulami, sir has developed website shamser.info.npblogger website shamserpulami.blogspot.com and official Youtube channel Youtube channel
lauro_media twitter @shamser_info
I can positively say that It has helped me develop a positive attitude towards my studies and discover more about myself.
I am very impressed with his technology-friendly way of teaching. i gained good knowledge from his website.We are excited.
-Dipa_Bhandari(Class-9 Eng Medium, 2080 batch)
Shree Dim janta Sec.School
School is my Second House, Really i feel Teachers of this school like Father, Mother, friends, Brother's & sisters. So i feel like own House in Shree Dim janta Sec.School. Here is many facilities for teaching for students Computer lab, well equipped Science lab, play ground, Buildings, peaceful environment, qualified teachers, library etc. So i gain good knowledge with love from teachers and students I feel proud, The students of Shree Dim janata Secondary school, Sarlahi !!
-Sanjila Ghimire(Class-8, 078 batch)
Shree Dim janta Sec.School
I have always felt that I was so lucky to be a student at Shree Dim janta Sec.School, and not at any other private or public school The thing I admire the most about dimjanata School is the support I received from everyone at the school. I wouldn't have been able to achieve what I have achieved without that caring environment.