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What is flipped classroom ?

A flipped classroom is a teaching method that reverses the traditional classroom model by having students learn content before class and then use class time to apply that knowledge. A flipped classroom is a pedagogical model that flips traditional lectures and homework. The traditional lecture is viewed at home before class and homework activities are done in the classroom with the instructor present to guide students in their endeavors.

Traditional Classroom vs. Flipped Classroom

Within a short span of time, digital technologies have already changed the way students acquire knowledge. The web-based technologies enable students to access, retain, and store information without investing extra resources. Some students leverage digital technologies to understand various topics elaborately, while others leverage the new age technologies to learn at their own pace and convenience. Hence, educational institutions have been modernizing conventional classrooms by adopting the flipped classroom model.

In a traditional classroom-based learning model requires students to acquire knowledge through teachers. Normally, the teachers explain topics, dictate notes, and assign homework to students while taking classes. But they do not help students to access instructional content, complete homework, and clear additional doubts outside the classroom. No student can acquire knowledge and boost exam performance without availing guidance and assistance of teachers outside the classroom.

The flipped classroom learning model transforms the traditional classroom-based learning model by leveraging new-age digital communication technologies. It enables students to acquire knowledge and avail on-time assistance outside of the classrooms. According to Wikipedia.org, “A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom.” While comparing the two learning models, the teachers or decision-makers must remember that both traditional classrooms and flipped classrooms have their own pros and cons. They must keep in mind the major differences between traditional classrooms and flipped classrooms to choose the most appropriate learning model.

Major Differences between Conventional Classrooms and Flipped Classrooms

Access to Knowledge

In a classroom environment, students acquire knowledge by interacting with teachers. Hence, the teachers act as intermediaries between the students and the knowledge. In addition to explaining various topics, the teachers also help students to clear their doubts. The flipped classroom model eliminates all barriers or intermediaries between the students and the knowledge. It enables students to acquire knowledge by accessing lectures, notes, and solved question papers over the internet.

Independence of Thought

While attending classes, students acquire knowledge through face-to-face lectures. They further understand various topics as explained by the teacher. But flipped classroom allows students to learn a topic by accessing information from varied sources. A student also has the option to learn a topic by accessing university notes share by different teachers. The wider access to content enables students to acquire knowledge elaborately and independently. Flexibility The conventional learning models require students to attend multiple classes on a regular basis to complete a course or obtain a certificate. Hence, the students lack the option to acquire knowledge at their own pace and convenience. Unlike conventional classrooms, flipped classrooms allow students to acquire knowledge in a flexible and convenient way. The students can learn various topics in a number of ways — reading online notes, watching video lectures, and discussing important points. On-Time Assistance and Guidance While taking classes, teachers often homework for students. Some teachers even require students to complete and submit homework assignments on a daily basis. But they do not help students to complete the homework assignments outside of the classrooms. Unlike the conventional classroom model, the flipped classroom model helps students to complete homework by providing instructional content and solved question papers. Some online platforms even allow students to complete homework and clear doubts by interacting with teachers through discussion forums. Performance Evaluation In a classroom environment, teachers use homework as a tool to assess and analyze the performance of students. They require students to complete homework assigned after each class. On the other hand, the flipped classroom model does not evaluate the performance of students based on homework assignments. Instead, it facilitates performance assessment through instructor-evaluation and peer-evaluation. It further boosts the performance of students through projects and group discussions. On the whole, the flipped classroom learning model transforms the traditional classroom-based learning model by eliminating barriers between students and knowledge. Many teachers already take advantage of popular online platforms like LectureNotes to bridge the gap between conventional and new-age learning models. While taking classes, they focus

What is Nano Learning?

Nano learning is a learning design trend created to educate learners on a topic through short, informal learning particles, usually less than 2 minutes long. There is no interaction with the instructor as it is carried out via electronic media. Due to the popularisation of social media platforms such as TikTok and Snapchat, fast paced content is becoming increasingly prevalent, with generations now learning more from short videos than traditional lesson formats. Nano learning is self-contained, by offering small, highly targeted nuggets of information with a single objective, to learners. It can contain a wide variety of multimedia such as text, video, sound, and images, all of which keep learners engaged. Nano learning is also very responsive as it can be viewed on a range of different devices.

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Synchronous Learning.

Synchronous learning refers to a learning event in which a group of students are engaging in learning at the same time. Before learning technology allowed for synchronous learning environments, most online education took place through asynchronous learning methods.

Synchronous communication between two people requires them to both be present at a given time. Examples of Synchronous Learning are chat and IM, video and audio conference, live webcasting, application sharing, whiteboard, polling, and virtual classrooms. This I will not cover in detail as these are basic methods that most of the organizations are already familiar with.

Asynchronous events are time-independent. A self-paced course is an example of Asynchronous Learning because online learning takes place at any time.

E-mail or discussion forums are examples of asynchronous communication tools. In such cases, students ideally complete the course at their own pace, by using a Learning Platform like an LMS. Examples of Asynchronous Learning are Self-paced (SCORM), Audio/Video, E-mail, Discussion forum, Wiki/Blog, Webcasting/Conferencing, CBT and WBT, Simulations, Game-based learning.

What is Blended learning ?

Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning, is a teaching method that combines in-person and online learning. It can offer several benefits, including:

Flexibility: Students can learn at their own pace and in different places.

Digital skills: Blended learning can help students develop 21st-century skills.

Active learning: Blended learning can encourage students to be more active learners.

Independent learning: Blended learning can encourage students to learn independently and take more control of their learning.

Performance: Blended learning can improve student performance and close the gap between traditional and non-traditional learners.

Accessibility: Blended learning can improve accessibility and promote equity.

Blended learning can be delivered through a variety of channels, including webcasting, online video, and learning management systems. Some platforms that can be used for blended learning include Khan Academy. Different methods of blended learning may be more suitable for different students and their needs.

Machine learning (ML) & Deep learning (DL)

Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that focuses on the using data and algorithms to enable AI to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy.

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses multilayered neural networks, called deep neural networks, to simulate the complex decision-making power of the human brain. Some form of deep learning powers most of the artificial intelligence (AI) applications in our lives today.

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are technologies that can be used in training to create realistic learning experiences: Augmented reality (AR) Combines the real world with virtual elements, such as overlaying digital information onto the real world. For example, AR can be used to project virtual instructions onto a workstation while working on a machine. Virtual reality (VR) Creates a 3D virtual environment that simulates real-world scenarios. For example, VR can be used to simulate a workspace and allow learners to handle virtual objects with controllers.

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